In an ideal world, rays of sunlight would gently touch our closed eyelids in the morning, while birds would sing joyfully out of the window. We would wake up, have a relaxed shower, meet our loved ones and kiss them, have a delicious and nutritious breakfast, and leave quietly for an everyday activity – possibly a creative day at work.
Reality is often far from ideal, so we should always use a reminder of how an inspiring morning would be. Share these good morning quotes on social media, and tell your friends it’s always a good time for early humor – probably just before we push the panic button of everyday routine. Ah, well!… If you like our “Good Morning!” collection, then share this with your friends on Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and other social media.
Good Morning. my Friend!
- Keep on keeping on, and one day you shall look back and marvel how much you have accomplished in life. Never give up. My friend, good morning.
- Start this day with the knowledge that fabulous people like you make this world a better place. May you forever stay as wonderful as you are. Good morning!
- With God by your side, you shall power through all obstacles in your way. Have a tremendously beautiful morning.
- Whenever I look at how far you have traveled despite the immense obstacles on your path, I become so proud of you. Keep it up and have an absolutely beautiful morning.
- Wishing a gloriously lovely morning to a dear friend. My dear, everything you ever wanted in life will destroy all the barriers in their way to get to you if you just believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.
- Good morning to a wonderful friend blessed with a remarkable gift. Never stop chasing after your dreams and they will never stop coming to fruition.

- May you always see your failures as great opportunities to learn and become a better person. Good morning.
- Since time immemorial, all who have walked with the Lord have been prosperous and happy people. Walk with Him and you shall always know true joy. Good morning!
- Wonderful things await you today! Go out with confidence and grab them. Good morning.
- Have faith in your potentials and you shall be the recipient of the most wonderful things in life. Good morning.
Funny and Cute Ways to Tell your Friends Good Morning
Laugh While There’s Still Time.
- Good morning, friends, and, in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
- When your feet hit the floor this morning, make sure you hit the floor with the right foot first! Have an amazing day!
- You are going to take on this day like Superman takes on Lex Luthor, like Batman takes on the Joker, like Thor takes on the Frost Giants! Make it a great one!
- Fantastic. Wonderful. Stupendous. Your day is going to be all of the above and then some! Kick some rear today!
- Your day is going to be awesome a la mode today! Yes, that’s ice cream speak for absolutely-freakin-fantastic!
- What’s better than a hot cup of coffee?! A friend to sit and drink that hot cup of coffee with! You got that right! Let’s have a coffee date and a much overdue gab session.
- A friend is like an alarm clock. You need and depend on them but sometimes you just want to slap them and throw them across the room. Good Morning, my friend!
- There’s only one today, so get up, take names, and kick some butt! Carpe diem, my friend!
- Wake up like Willy Wonka just handed you a golden ticket to the magical chocolate factory—and said you could even bring your best friend! Scrumptious!
- Be like a Spartan today and have no fear! Remember the 300! Whatever challenges are thrown your way, be confident that you will overcome! “You are SPARTA!”

- Just like Ferris Bueller said: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!”
- You are the peanut butter to my chocolate and nothing goes better together than chocolate and peanut butter. I hope you have a sweet day, my best friend.
- 31 Funny Good Morning Memes for Each Day of the Month
- Good Morning! If I could crow like a rooster to wake you up I would but unfortunately I cannot so you’ll have to settle for this: “Wake up and get out of that bed! You have too much going on today to sleep one more second!” How was that?
- Have a super fantastic day! Try thinking of a really cheesy, catchy song to get you up and moving. Songs like the YMCA or the Chicken Dance!

- Little did you know that your best friend would be waking you up at the crack of dawn! I hope your day goes as wonderful as you are! You deserve to have a phenomenal day!
- I hope your day doesn’t go as terribly as Biff Tanner’s when he drove his car into the truck full of cow manure! I hope your day goes as awesome as Marty’s borrowed pink hoverboard! Have a ‘heavy’ day!
- Good morning, my partying friend! After last night, I’m surprised you’re up this early.
- Good morning, friend! If you don’t wake up soon, I’ll be saying “good afternoon!”
- Mornings are like a bad soap opera. The script and the characters seem to never change. You’d better get moving before your best friend sleeps with your brother and the town millionaire gets murdered. Ha! Enjoy your day!
- Here’s to you, my night owl friend! May the mornings go fast and the nights never end!
- Mornings are awful, can’t you see?
Let’s get through them fast, I’m sure you agree! - Cock – a –doodle—do! Good morning to my beautiful hen from the best looking rooster around.
- Here’s a good morning joke for you, my dear friend! “Did you know the sun got a 4.0 in school? How else do you think it got to be so bright?”
- There’s nothing like a morning to show your true age. You wake up looking quite disheveled, like a lion in a cage!
- Good morning, friend! I see you trying to hide those bags under your eyes. There’s no fooling me, I’m always too wise.
- Just like Fridays are to the weekends, so mornings are to the afternoons. You just do your best to get through them and on to the better part ahead. Good morning to you, dear friend!
- There once was a woman/man who loved to wake up early, do her/his chores, and focus on the duties of the day. Well let’s face it, that’s not you, not in any possible way! Wake up, friend!
- Mornings are like cottage cheese. You know they are good for you and they may even look appealing. But, when you get right into it, you realize that no matter how hard you try, they are just not for you.
- Good morning to the goofiest, craziest, most fun friend I know! Let’s survive this part of the day together with jokes and a little bit of Red Bull.
- No matter how hard you try. No matter what you may do. Mornings always greet you early with, “Ha! Ha! Ha! I’m coming for you!”
- Good morning, my tired friend! So sorry to tell you, it’s time to wake up once again.
- Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Mornings are awful, we all know it’s true. - Roses are red. Violets are blue.
If you wake me up early again, it’ll be the end of my friendship with you. - Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Together, this morning, we can suffer it through. - Roses are red. Violets are blue.
Those who love mornings are definitely few! - Just when I thought I had this adult thing down, another morning reared its ugly head. Here’s to you, me, and our coffee slowly making it together until this afternoon.
- Good morning, sweet friend! I hate to be the one to tell you, but this means the night has had its end!
- Good morning to all of you lovely sleep deprived friends! No matter how bad you look now, there’s always hope for tomorrow. Here’s wishing you better luck with a long night’s sleep tonight!
Good Morning Inspiration for Friends
This Day is Yours!
- Good Morning! May your smile be brighter than the sun today and your laughter be spread far and wide. Have a beautiful day.
- I hope today is a great day for you! You deserve to have the most wonderful, stress-free, relaxing day. I hope you get to read a good book and sip a hot cup of coffee in absolute peace and quiet.
- Good Morning, Friend! I hope you make today a great one!
- The sun is shining and the birds are out, it’s time to go forth and conquer the day!

- Life is not a dress rehearsal. You only have one try at it. Get up and make it a great day! You are the lead in your own show.
- Good Morning! Get out of bed and be more excited than a five year old in an ice cream store!
- Each day you wake up in the morning is another miracle. A miracle that not everyone get to experience. You get to wake up today and enjoy everything and everyone around you.
- Oh, happy day! Make it a beautiful day! Put the phone down and look up once in a while. Make real connections with people. Make someone smile today!
- Let the day’s mission be to make someone smile and laugh! With that as your one mission today, you are bound to have an amazing day!
- If it was stormy and depressing yesterday that doesn’t mean it will be like that today. Yesterday is over. Today is right now! Forget about yesterday and live everything today!
- Be amazing! Be courageous! Be spectacular! Most importantly, just be YOU! You are more unique, creative, and special than anything else.

- God gave you the ability to wake up today. Make sure you use this amazing gift to the fullest. Have a beautiful, blessed day!
- I am looking forward to having an amazing day going on yet another adventure with my best friend! We are going to have such an incredible time! Let’s get a move on!
- What’s better than waffles and maple syrup? Ice cream and wine! Reese cups and Snickers bars! Best friends!
- Powerful and courageous! Strong and beautiful! You will have the best day today, because of your absolute awesomeness!
- Being positive and happy will get you through everything and anything that life throws your way. Keep your chin up and keep trudging forward, my friend!
- My best friend, you are an amazing person. You are constantly inspiring me to be a better person. I hope you have a fabulous day.
- Today is going to be the greatest day of your life. You are going to have the best day because you are special, loved, and appreciated.
- Get up and moving! Your bed is no place to spend such a beautiful, wonderful day! Have an incredible day!
- Good Morning! My isn’t a glorious day? There couldn’t be a more beautiful day than what is out there laying before you! Make today fantastic!
- Forget about yesterday. Don’t dwell on it. Don’t dream too much about tomorrow. Tomorrow isn’t here yet. Worry and think about today. Today is here now. I hope your day is phenomenal!
- Don’t think too hard about what you will do tomorrow. You are still here enjoying today. Think about everything you dream of doing and get things done today!
- One step out of bed is one step towards meeting and exceeding all your goals and dreams! Wake up you sleep head!
- Tried and true, the sun has woken up again just for you.
Make the most of this morning, the most of this day.
You’re on the path to great things. You’re on your way! - Good morning, my friend! It’s time to get up early, greet the sun, work hard all day, and end with some fun! Let’s make the most of this day!
- Cock—a—doodle—don’t you dare waste half of your day! If you keep sleeping in any longer, you’ll surely miss all of the fun the mornings have to offer. Good morning!
- Mornings may come and mornings may go, but there’s definitely a few things I want you to know: Within you, there is strength. Within you, there is power. God is preparing you with blessings to share at just the right hour. Have a great day!
- Mornings are a beautiful time to reflect on yesterday’s achievements and focus on the goals of today. I’m so glad you are waking up early to take advantage of this time. Have a wonderful day!
- Good morning, best friend! While it may be early, just remember today is your day. Choose your attitude and choose your path.
- Mornings can be viewed in one of two ways. Either they are hopeful and full of promise or they are the time of day we dread the most. I’m so proud you always choose the former. Have a glorious morning!
- Good morning! Here’s to you on this beautiful, radiant, and hopeful morning. May you continue to live being aware of your blessings and sharing them with those around you.
- Whether you’re already driving to work or still in your pajamas, I wish you the best on this wonderful morning. Have a great one, dear friend!
- Mornings are like eggs that are about to hatch. They hold so much life and promise. Here’s to you on this egg-celent day!
- Good morning, my friend! I am wishing you a day full of no procrastination, continuous efficiency, and lots of love. Enjoy yourself!
- Good morning! As you start this day, I want you to remember how special, vital, and necessary you are to this world. Walk knowing you are important. All the best!
- Good morning to my dear friend who lifts me up, corrects my faults, and generally leads me on a better path. You are amazing!
- Good morning to you! It’s not every day that we get blessed like this one. The sun is shining, the clouds have left, and the breeze is light. The perfect start to a perfect day.
- Wake up, sleepy head! You have a day full of hopes and dreams ready to greet you!
- Morning has returned yet again. Let’s keep up with our goals and not stay where we’ve been.
- No matter the season, winter, spring, summer or fall…
Mornings are calling us to certainly not drop the ball.
Good morning Friend images
All friends have their own code words and special ways of expression. Welcoming the new day by sending them greetings is an everyday habit for many, so here are some great Good morning quotes for friends on images.
Good morning, everyone!

Good morning, world!

Good morning, dear friends!

Good morning, gentlemen!

Good morning, genius!

Good morning, ladies

Good morning, guys!

Good morning, universe!

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