Picking out a birthday card is easy, but figuring out what to write inside of it can be a bit more challenging. If you find yourself at a loss for words on Ava’s birthday, you can use one of these sweet notes to make her feel extra special.
Whether you want to send a light-hearted note to a friend, or a loving birthday wish to your wife, these birthday messages are sure to please the Ava in your life.
Happy Birthday Wishes for Ava
- Ava, you make the world a little warmer, brighter, and kinder. You deserve everything your heart desires on your birthday.
- Someone told me it’s your birthday! Best wishes for a day filled with presents and a lifetime of joy.
- Out of all the amazing women in the world, you’re the one that I get to call my friend. Happy birthday to the girl who lights up my life.
- You’re another year older, Ava! This year on your birthday, laugh a little louder and celebrate harder.
- Ava, you’ve grown so much over the past year. On your birthday today, I just want to say how proud I am of you!
- With each birthday that passes, you always manage to stay young at heart! I hope you have a great birthday filled with dancing and desserts.
- There are so many reasons why I love you, but there isn’t enough room on this card to list them all! Happy Birthday, Ava.
- Your laugh, your smile, and your sense of humor are all I need in this world. I hope you have the best birthday ever!
Happy Birthday Ava Images
Happy Birthday, Ava! Funny Memes

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