The advent of social media has made us not only close-knit but also significantly predisposed to sharing our thoughts, imaginations, desires and successes by way of statuses with friends, acquaintances and family, no matter where in the world they may be.
On this note, if you have just clinched yourself a new job and want to share the great news with your loved ones on social networking platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp and LinkedIn, we’ve got plenty of new job status updates for you right here to get the word out.
- Hurrah! God has answered my prayers at last and gifted me the amazing job I was looking for! Thank you so much, God!
- Hey everyone, glad to inform you that I just got a brand spanking new job! Thanks for all your prayers and support!
- At long last I bid farewell to unemployment and join the association of the employed! I am beyond blessed to have been chosen for this job.
- Guys, let’s celebrate because I just got employed at a company I’ve been longing to work in for several years now. So happy to be living my dreams!
- I’m proud to announce that I have just been given my employment letter from [Name of Company]. Hurray! There’s a new employed girl town!
- Words can’t express how excited I am for clinching this amazing job I had been dreaming of for quite a while now! I feel absolutely blessed!
- I am truly, truly glad to inform all my friends on here that I have finally been employed. This is a very momentous occasion in my life and I am so elated to share it with all of you.
- Today, I joyfully announce to the universe that I am the proud recipient of a new job. I couldn’t have asked for a better job!
- My soul is full of joy as I broadcast to the world the new position offered me at [Name of Company]. If this isn’t a blessing, I don’t know what is.

- Guys, I just grabbed myself a new position at [Name of Company]. This is a really an exciting new milestone in my career. So excited! Can’t wait to enjoy the experience of my new position.
- It’s with great happiness that I share the news of my new employment with all my wonderful friends! Thanks for encouraging me to never give up the search.
- I am thrilled to announce that I have just joined [Name of Company] and will begin work next week! Super excited are my heart and soul!
- I am more beyond happy to let you know that I just got myself the job I’ve always dreamed of. I am confident that this new job will bring me so much fulfillment and advancement in my career.
- Just landed my dream job at [Name of Organization]. I’m so happy to have been blessed with such a wonderful opportunity to advance my career.
- An amazing company just hired me and gave me a role I’m so passionate about. I’m incredibly happy and just want to share my happiness with all of my friends and family here.
- I waited a very long time for this job, and now that I’ve gotten it, I feel like the happiest man in the world.
- I just landed myself a great job at a renowned company. I can’t wait to enjoy the joy that comes with the exciting new role.
- Just got the best job in the world at [Name of Organization]!
- I have finally landed a new position at XYZ Limited. This is an exciting career for me, and I’m so glad to share this amazing news with all of you!

- Guys, may I please have your attention for a moment? I’ve just landed a new career at an amazing organization. This is undoubtedly one of the happiest days of my life!
- My job offer at ABC Limited has just been confirmed. It’s a done deal! Words can’t express my excitement!
- Hurrah! I’ve just been employed as an auditor in one of the biggest accounting firms in the country. I can’t thank God enough for the amazing blessings He keeps bestowing upon me.
- Amazed and absolutely delighted to announce my employment at [Company Name]. Not only do I have the best friends in the world, but I’ve also grabbed the best job in the world. I’m so blessed.
- I just received my employment letter and just can’t stop jumping with great happiness!
- With a heart full to the brim with great joy, I proudly announce that God has blessed me with an exciting new job!

- My dream of getting a job at [Name of Organization] has finally come to fruition. Please join me in celebrating my new job as it is nothing short of a miracle!
- The wait is over! I have finally become an official employee of [Name of Company], and I couldn’t be happier! Thanks, guys, for your support and motivation.
- After so many months of waiting, I’m happy to inform the world that I have finally received one of the most precious gifts of my professional life – a new job at the prestigious [Name of Company].
- My world is filled to the brim with pure delight because I have gotten a wonderful job I’ve been pursing for a long time now. There’s going to be a big party tonight in celebration of this new job!
- I rejoice uncontrollably today because I have been blessed with an exceptionally awesome job! Folks, dreams really do come true!
- I’m more than ecstatic to disclose to you that I have just been honored with an enviable position at [Name of Organization]. So happy to share my happiness with my sweeties on here.
- I’m officially no longer unemployed because my employment letter just arrived in the mail! I am truly blessed beyond words.
- Just been hired! So please join me in celebrating my success.
- Today I was blessed with a great job I have been working on landing for quite some time. And as can be imagined I am over the moon! I am so happy to see my dream turn into a beautiful reality.
- Just accepted a new position at [Name of Company]. This gift from above calls for an absolutely wild party.
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