Telling her you love her can be hard, it can be awkward and choosing the right words to say in the moment is often easier said than done. There are moments when your heart might be bursting with love, but words aren’t the first thing that come to your mind. This is probably where we come in to help…
Here we’ve compiled a list of what we think are some beautiful ways to say how much you care. Whether you plan to write them or speak the words in person, we hope these quotes will help inspire you with your message.
Original Short Love Quotes to Express your Love
- Whenever we play that game where we pretend we’ve never met, your beauty still makes me nervous beyond control.
- Ever since we first met I’ve been wondering what I ever did to deserve gazing upon your perfect smile.
- So many others were fighting for your attention, but I beat them all to you, how? You know me, when I want something more than anything else in world, It’s mine.
- If It’s only a matter of time before I make the sweetest most beautiful girl in my life the only girl in my life, why wait?
- Read more Quotes About love and get inspired!
- I’m not sure how a man like me can deserve a woman like you, but i will spend the rest of my life trying to become the answer.
- Men are not usually good at revealing exactly how they feel so I’ll keep this short and simple, my love for you goes beyond anything else I have or will ever feel in my entire life.
- Perhaps you consider me to be on of best options you had, for me there were no other options at all once you came into the picture, my picture..
- We have lasted longer than I could ever hope would be possible, let’s keep going.

- The best thing that ever happened to me does not even come close to explaining how important you are to me.
- If I had to chose between you and all the riches in the world, I would chose the riches, and spend it all on a million ways to sweep you off your feet.
- You could break my heart a thousand times and it would still mend to be made up just for you.
- If to be so obsessed with someone is ever deemed insanity, lock me up, because for me when I look at you I know there is no cure.
- It’s never easy being so far away from you, but having your beautiful look firmly saved into the foremost thoughts of my mind means you always feel right next to me.
- The most powerful boost to my vitality still remains the feel on your hand in mine.
- Maybe you’d love to have a look at our collection of Love Quotes.
- The hardest time of the year is when I have to be away from you, the very best is when I make it back.
- We are both busy, and often don’t have the time to show our affection as much as we should, I want you to know I will never be too busy to stop loving you.
- If i was stuck on a deserted island, the first thing i would do is build a statue of you, this might sound stupid but just the sight you would give me the will to live through anything.
- If I could only say one more thing to you, it would be that I love you and have been in love with you since my blessed eyes ever laid their helpless gaze on you.
Unique Long Love Quotes that Will Help You Share your Feelings
- For so many years now you have been the most beautiful person in my life, you’ve been there at times when I’ve been down, and there to help me celebrate the best. I owe so much to you I could never repay, but that won’t stop me from trying.
- I have never met anyone like you before, and I don’t think I will again. If I had to chose between a short future with you and a long future without you, I would chose with you every time.

- When we are together the world changes, time goes by in a flash and moments lasting days seem to fly by. I hope that for the rest of our lives we can continue to spend with time together.
- All the odds in world can be against us, everyone in our lives can disapprove of us, but love cannot be restricted, it cannot be regulated or contained. We may be everyone’s idea of a bad mix, but i will never let that stand in the way of how I feel about you.
- We don’t fight like normal people, when normal people fight their anger is turned into distrust and their relationship gets thinner like a rope being slowly slit. But when we disagree I feel our rope getting thicker, strengthened by our desire to hold on and never let go. I love you more than anything.
- I had two questions in mind when we first started seeing each other, do I feel excited when I’m with you? And can I spend the rest of life trying to make her feel the same way. I hope the past years have shown you what my answers were.
- My favorite moments of us being together are etched into my memory like a gallery, a private exhibition I can wander through at will. This is one of the most precious areas of my mind, and nothing in the world is better than adding new pieces.
- I know you are not usually a fan of the soppy stuff, so I promise I won’t let this go overboard, I just want you to know that before I met you my life was empty like dessert, and now with you it’s a rainforest.
- Forget Shakespeare, I want my words to be far easier for you to read and take in, if a promise could be made solid and saved in a box, my promise that I will always love you would be a solid diamond and i would lock it in my heart, the most everlasting safe place in my existence.
- Whenever i have a moment alone, I think about the moment we came together for the first time, I believe my mind is wired to think of that moment as a point in time that was set in place the days we were born. I only began my belief in fate at this moment. Its proof to me that I was born find and return your love forever.

Heart-Touching Love Quotes for the Woman I like
- Having you in my life is without a shred of doubt the best thing to have ever happened to me. If this is a dream, I pray God never wakes me up from this sleep.
- You are, and will always be the woman of my dream. You are the reason a smile lights my face every morning. I need you in my life more than I can ever express in words.
- Merely being in your presence is like being in paradise. I feel blessed to know someone as special as you. My feelings for you are
- My heart longs for you with every beat. The only thing that I’m hundred percent certain of in this world is the way I feel about you!
- Woman, there are no words in any dictionary on Earth that I can use to describe my feelings for you.
- When I look at you, I feel something within me that I cannot express in words. You make me feel like I’ve never felt all my life. I really like you and can’t get you out of my mind.
- You make me feel a special kind of happiness I have never felt all my life. Thank you for filling my heart and soul with joy. I like you a lot, beautiful woman.
- I can’t count how many times you have made my heart skip a beat. I feel extraordinarily happy whenever I set my eyes on you. And when we are together, I feel like I’m in heaven.
- People try to discourage me with your flaws, but I always make them understand that your flaws are part of the reasons that my heart can’t seem to get enough of you.
- My dear, your name echoes in my ears from dawn to dusk. I wish to have you around me all day. I am very pleased to have you in my life. I like being in your company, and wish I could spend every moment of my life with you by my side.
- Do you know why I love the sunrise so much? The simple answer is because it gives me another opportunity to see your lovely face again.

Love Quotes for my Girlfriend
- I never believed that someday someone will make me this happy. Thank you so much for making every single day of my life feel like I’m in paradise. I love you so much!
- I smile more when I am in your presence. My heart can’t stop adoring you because loving you has healed all the wounds in it. Please don’t ever take your precious love away from me.
- Babe, thank you for filling my life with joy and making me forget how it feels like to lonely. I will never trade your love for anything in this world simply because your love is priceless.
- Not only have you brought joy into my life, but you have also made me a better person. Saying the words “I love you” can never be enough to express the feelings I have for you, sweetheart.
- Thank you, babe, for coming into my life and making it so magical. I promise my love for you will never wither.
- Loving you is an addiction that I don’t ever want to stop having. Please promise me you’ll be mine forever because I want to be yours until the end of time.
- I appreciate you, my dear, for making me the happiest man on planet Earth. I always pray for the ability to also make you the happiest woman in the universe because you deserve it.
- Since you came into my life, your companionship has made my journey through life very smooth and exciting. Please, never stop walking with me. I love you so much, my darling.
- Sweetheart, your love fills my heart and your virtue touches my soul. Indeed, you are the kind I wanna take to my momma.
- This is just a quick note to my babe telling her how much I love and adore her. Thanks for being my sunshine.
- Babe, it is official: Without you in my life, my life would be totally incomplete. I promise to always love you with all my heart and treat you like a queen. Thank you for completing my life.
- My love, I can never end my day without whispering the words “I love you” into your ears. You’re my addiction, and I am so blessed to be able to call such a beautiful and caring person like you mine.
- You make me the happiest person on Earth whenever I’m with you. I will always love and treasure you, babe.
- Whatever I did in my past life must have been extremely noble to have been blessed in this lifetime with someone as wonderful as you. I love you so much, babe.
Love Quotes for my Wife
- There’s one thing I’m totally hundred percent of, and that is the fact that I can never live in this big ole crazy world without you in my life. I love you so dearly, my dear. Thank you for being my partner for life.
- Ruby, Diamonds and Gold are precious, but you are more precious than them all to me. I love you with every breath that I take.
- Honey, you are my most prized treasure. There’s nothing more valuable to me in this world than the love you and I share.
- I didn’t understand the meaning of love until I met you. Having you as my darling wife is the best thing that has happened to me in this world.
- I adore you, my beautiful wife. You and I have a love that is stronger than that of Romeo and Juliet.
- Since the day you walked into my world, I could never walk without you.

- Babe, merely looking at you for a second, I can write a thousand things I love about you. Thank you for being the one for me, darling.
- My beloved wife, my love for you is like day and night, and just like day and night never fail us, so will my love for you never fail.
- Thanks a million, my love, for sticking with me through my thick and thin. You are the reason I smile every day.
- My beloved, from the very first time that these eyes of mine saw you, I knew God created us specially for each other. And how right I was! Just look at how happy we make each other! I will never stop loving you, my dear wife.
- My sweet wife, I adore you more than you’d ever know. You mean so much to me, and that is why I can confidently tell you that as long as my heart beats, my love for you will never stop.
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