Just after the year has started, here comes the month of purification. February, the the shortest month of the modern calendar, was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (source). In the north hemisphere, it is the last month of winter and prepares us for the coming of spring.
Of course, February is also a month of love, with the celebration of Valentine’s Day standing out on the 14th. Whether we are going to celebrate our love or simply get our lightest clothes ready for spring, February is round the corner and it’s a reminder of the erotic passion of men and women around the globe. Our collection of cards will help you welcome it properly – so enjoy and share.
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February! Be good to me.
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February!
Hello, February! Bring love and happiness to our lives.
Yiannis Kalliantas (He/Him) has worked for more than 15 years in the hotel industry, organizing all kinds of social events like birthday parties and wedding receptions.
He has been one of the top contributors on Birthday Wishes Expert since the launching of the site. Yiannis has curated hundreds of articles and he is committed to the mission of our site to helping people from all around the world find the right birthday wish on every occasion.
He has an MBA in Tourism, and is an avid city photographer. His recent work on street photography in Athens, Greece can be found on his websiteIWalkAthens.com.