A cousin is a unique relative. He/She could be the son or daughter of one of your parent’s siblings. He or she could be close or far in age to you. You could have grown up near or far away from him/her. What makes a cousin truly different from anyone else in your family, is that none of this really matters.
Since your cousin stands out among your relatives, it is important to send him or her a memorable, birthday wish. Here are birthday wishes that are funny, sentimental, and ask for a reunion. They are perfect for letting your cousin that you are grateful to be family!
Happy Birthday, Cuz!
- Cheers to my cousin, on her birthday! I am proud to call someone wonderful like you family!
- Happy Birthday to my dear cousin! You are a good friend, who happens to also be family! I am grateful for you!
- Thinking of you on your birthday and hoping that you are doing well! May your birthday be fantastic!
- Here is to a special cousin who is thoughtful and dependable. You set a good example for our entire family.
- Happy Birthday to my best friend and dearest cousin! You hold a special place with me! Enjoy your special day!
- Happy Birthday to my loyal cousin! You have shown me how family should be treated. Have a marvelous birthday celebration!
- Even though you are my cousin, I feel more like you are a sibling to me! We have always been able to tell each other everything and be there for each other. You have always reminded me of how important family really is!
- My awesome cousin, I wish you an amazing birthday! You are the beacon of hope in our family! May you shine on!
- Happy birthday to my dear cousin with whom I shared secrets and dreams. May you have a day filled with joy and happiness!
- Thinking back to my childhood, the best memories are good times spent with you, fancy free and fun moments.
- Thank you for being my friend, confidante, and partner in crime. I am a better person having you in my life. Wishing you all of the blessings you deserve.
- 200+ Great Birthday Images for Free Download & Sharing
- You are one of my coolest cousins and a treasured member of our family! You keeps us all motivated and looking forward to the future! May all of your hopes and dreams come true!
- Sending my favorite cousin heartfelt wishes on his birthday! Here is to having the kind of birthday party you have always wanted!
- Dear cousin, you are an important part of my life. You are the person in my family who reminds me to be true to myself! May all of the events of your birthday be clear and meaningful!
- Cheers to my insightful cousin! Have a fabulous birthday where you continue to get to the heart of the matter and show others what life is really all about!
- Through the smooth times and difficult moments in life, you have always been by my side. Without your love, my life would be quite dull. Happy birthday to my favorite cousin!
- Cousins are the closest relatives we have to siblings before we get our own. Happy birthday, dear cousin! You will always be my sister / brother.
- My thoughts of you always start with, “Remember when…” Here’s to many great memories and future years of more fabulous moments.
- Pool parties, basketball games in driveways, and hours of hide-and-seek, just a few moments of memories that have bonded us so closely. Without you, these memories would not be half as fun. Happiest birthday, dear cousin, and here’s to many great moments ahead of us!
- Many happy returns, sweet cousin! May the times before us be as memorable as the times behind us.
Birthday Messages Asking to Meet a Cousin Again
- Happy Birthday to my cousin! Seeing you again would be a real source of joy for me. I hope that can happen, soon!
- Wish you the best, cousin! I miss talking to and laughing with you. It would be great to reunite with you.
- Wishing my cousin a great birthday! I look forward to seeing you, again!
- On your birthday, cousin, I think about reuniting with you! Although we have not seen each other in a while, I remember how well we got along with and understood each other! May thoughts of this give you a Happy Birthday!
- Being in your presence again, cousin would mean the world to me! Let’s make it happen! On your birthday, I hope you know how much your being around means to me!
- Happy Birthday, cuz! Come and see me, any time you wish! Know that you have family who you are always welcome to see!

- Have a perfect birthday, cousin! I hope you visit me soon, so we can catch up!
- Speaking to you, in the same vicinity, would be great! Until then, I hope that all is well with you and that this birthday stands out among others!
- On your birthday, cousin, I ask that we be reunited, again! I want to hold on to your idea that family should remain close!
- As you commemorate your special day, cousin, I can’t help but think of how perfect it would be if we were reunited! We have always had a lot of fun, together! Having you as a relative is a bright spot in my life! Hopefully, our reunion is impending!
- Viewing your face after such a long period of time would be terrific! You are my most cherished relative! May this day be splendid!
- Wishing my cousin a Happy Birthday, and letting her know how much I would like to see her! Your presence never fails to bring a smile to my face! Your good nature makes me want you around, to tell you, in person, that you are vital to our family!
- Cousin, it’s been much too long since we have seen each other. How about we get together to celebrate your new year of life? I would much rather wish you “happy birthday” in person!
- “Happy birthday” from afar just seems so impersonal. Come back home so we can celebrate your birthday in the right fashion together, cousin. I miss you!
- While we may not be together on your actual birthday, cousin, it’s ok. I am hoping we can get together for lunch one of these so I can properly embarrass you in public with my boisterous best wishes for your new year.
- Public embarrassment on your birthday seems like the perfect gift. Let’s meet at the Mexican restaurant for some sombrero wearing and margarita drinking fun!
- All of us cousins would like to get together with you to celebrate your golden birthday. What do you say? Are you up for a reunion?
- I would say it is about time we got together and your birthday seems like the perfect day. I’ll be at your house early with coffee and donuts. Be prepared for a day full of fun, cousin!
- Many happy returns! Speaking of returns, it’s about time I saw your face, cousin. Call me!
Wishing Luck to your Cousin for his/her Birthday
- Here’s to a future filled with dreams, fantasy, and immense amounts of love. Happy birthday to my cousin who deserves all of this and more!
- May this year be the one in which the goals you set are met and the lives you touch are many.
- Wishing you a year full of personal achievement, success, and fulfillment. Have a blast on your birthday, dear cousin!
- Because you mean so much to me, I am praying for nothing but the best of everything to come your way this year. You are more than deserving of all good life has to offer.
- May this year be the one in which you break all barriers and fly directly to meet your life goals. You can and will achieve greatness.
- Here’s to you and your success in the year ahead. Happy birthday to one of the best cousins around!
- Someone like you doesn’t need “luck.” You bring success upon yourself just by being you. Just in case, though, here’s a wish of good luck for the year ahead from me to you.
- Just when we get ahold of accepting our age, another birthday comes around. Here’s wishing you a new year of beauty, love, and passion. Happy birthday, beautiful cousin!
- Wishing you all of the blessings God has to offer for this year and every year ahead. You are more than deserving of all good things. Best wishes, cousin of mine!
- Your future is up to you. Here’s wishing you easy directions and few bumps along the road.
Happy Birthday to a Cousin Far Away
- From a distance, here’s your cousin wishing you the best of birthday celebrations! May your birthday this day mark the beginning of remarkable blessings in your life. We love you a lot, Happy birthday!
- Because you are always on my mind and in my heart, the miles between us means absolutely nothing. I wish you good health, peace of mind, and happiness as you celebrate the most important day of your life!
- Distance can stop me from getting to you on your birthday, but it can never stop prayers from getting to you. My dear cousin, may the heavens bestow blessings upon blessings of happiness on you all the days of your existence!
- The sun in my world shines brighter today because it knows that one of the most important people in my life is celebrating his/her birthday. Have a great one, dear cuz!
- You are miles and miles away from me today, but I can still feel your presence because you are always in my heart. Happy birthday.
- You might be out of my sight, but you are always in my mind and in that special cell of my heart, which only you occupy. Celebrate your birthday today knowing that I will treasure you until my dying days.
- From a distance and from the depths of my heart, I pray that your birthday is a fabulous as our relationship/bond/union.
- Happy birthday from miles away! May every second of your special day be brimful with real happiness – and may this happiness spill over and accompany you until the end of time.
- We cannot be physically together to celebrate this outstanding day of your life, but we can do so in spirit. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, Cousin! Images

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One thought on “70+ Happy Birthday Wishes for a Cousin You’re Grateful to Have”
I loved all of and each of the cards!! So unique!!