Sending or saying a heartfelt goodbye message is very important in somber occasions such as the following: when a friend is about leaving the country for a foreign country, when a loved one has passed away, when a significant other has just broken up with you or vice versa, etc.
In situations such as the above, saying a heartfelt goodbye message is not only considered proper but can also gives us the opportunity to let out our sad feelings brought on by the loved one’s departure while at the same time expressing hope for the future – especially in cases where the loved one has passed away.
But the problem with such farewell messages is that sometimes we tend to find it pretty challenging coming up with the right ones as a result of various reasons such as being too sorrowful or downcast to write what’s on the mind or plainly lacking the time or ability to write something meaningful down. This is where our article comes to the rescue. Here, we have a fine compilation of original, warm and deeply felt goodbye messages or quotes that you can say to your loved ones or use as a guide or inspiration to craft your own goodbye messages.
Goodbye to a Lover after a break-up
- You came into my life and made me the happiest woman/man in this world. Now, you snatch my happiness away from me by walking out of my life. While I hate what you’ve done to me, I love you too much to wish you ill. I hope life treats you well. Goodbye.
- I never thought this day would ever come, but unfortunately it has come. As we go our separate ways, know that despite the demise of our relationship, my love for you will continue to live on. Goodbye.
- They say when something is too good to be true, it often is. Our love is a typical example of that statement. It was just too good to be true. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors without me in your life.
- It’s a shame our love wasn’t strong enough to stand the test of time. It’s a shame our relationship came to an end. As you walk away from my life, I hope you get what you’re looking for in life. Goodbye.
- I could have sworn on my life that our relationship would last forever. Now I understand why the wise say nothing lasts forever. Goodbye, my love.

- As you move on, know that while I hate what you did to me, I love you too much to ever hate you. I hope you find someone who loves you the way I did because my love for you was so real. All the best.
- I can’t seem to understand why our relationship had to end when all I ever wanted to do was to love you and make you happy. I’m sorry for all the times I may have unintentionally broken your heart and hurt you. Goodbye.

Goodbye to a Friend who’s leaving the Country
- I wish you a very safe and fulfilling journey abroad, and pray that the good Lord guide your every move. Goodbye, my friend, and do have a safe and exciting journey.
- I can’t believe the time is finally here for us to finally say painful goodbyes to each other. I will miss you so much, my friend. I hope you keep in touch when you get there. Safe journey.
- On one hand I’m sad you’re leaving me behind, but on the other hand I’m happy for the opportunity you’ve got to experience life in another country. Know that I will keep supporting you in prayers while you’re away. May God always guide and protect you. Goodbye.
- Pretty soon thousands of miles are going to lie between us. Despite that being sad, I take solace in the fact that we’ll really not be apart since we’ll always be in each other’s hearts. Goodbye and have a safe journey.
- 50 Safe Journey Wishes to Inspire the Best Flights and Road Trips
- I’m really going to miss you. Until we meet again, I guess it is goodbye for now. Have a safe and pleasurable journey.
- Dear friend, all my best wishes are with you as you leave the shores/boundaries of this country. I’m going to miss and think of you all the time. Goodbye, and of course I hope to see you again soon!

Goodbye to a Friend who passed away
- Dear friend, your sudden departure from this world totally paralyzed my body and soul. I will always carry a piece of you in my heart until the day I also take my last breath and depart this world. Goodbye.
- Dear friend, while I bid you farewell with an extremely heavy heart, I do know that every day I live on this Earth I will be drawn closer to the day I get to see you once again. But until we meet again, may you rest peacefully in the comforting hollow of God’s hands.
- Being friends with you was the best thing to have ever happened in my life. You always brought a smile to my face. And now you’re gone. I can’t believe this is real. Goodbye, my friend. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
- Sad Quotes
- Dear friend, you snatched my happiness away from me the very moment you departed this world. I try to comfort myself by reliving those beautiful memories we shared together, but to no avail. Nothing can replace you, my dear friend.
- Dear friend, you have no idea how much your sudden and unexpected departure from this world has left me devastated. Right now all I can do is stay strong because I know you’d not want to see me in the shape that I am. I pray that your soul rests in peace. Goodbye for now.

Goodbye to a parent you lost
- As I mourn you here on Earth, my heart tells me that you are somewhere up there smiling down at me and telling me to cheer up.
- No pain is as piercing as the pain of losing your loving father/mother. Mom/Dad, as you rest in the arms of God, know that my life will never be the same again without you in it. I miss you so much. Goodbye.
- Dad, you gave your all to us while you were here on Earth. You were special, and there is no one that will ever fill this vacuum your demise has created in my heart. But I do know that death cannot be the end. I know we’ll surely meet again. While I don’t know when or where that meeting will take place, I know I’ll definitely see you again.
- It is obvious you are with your Maker now. But so long as your memory lives within my heart, you shall always be with me.
- Miss you Quotes!
- Despite the fact that you cannot be with me physically, I know that you’ll always be with me spiritually. And that puts a smile on my face even as I bid you farewell.
Goodbye to a loved one who passed away
- I don’t know where you are, but I know you are somewhere waiting patiently for me as I also wait patiently to see you. Goodbye, my friend. Destiny might have torn us apart from each other in this world, but it will surely bring us together again in another world.
- Death isn’t the end, which is why I believe that even though you’re gone, I’ll see you again. Until then, goodbye and take care of yourself wherever you are. I shall never forget you, my dear.
- As I bid you farewell, words can’t express the sorrow that has overtaken my body and soul. You were my pillar of support and source of happiness. Now, there’s nothing for me to hold on to. Why did you have to go?
- They say everything happens for a reason because God knows best. They say that regardless of what happens, we should give thanks to God. So despite the incredible sorrow and pain I feel right now, I’m forced to thank the Lord because I believe he has taken you to a better place. Goodbye, dear sister/brother/cousin/friend.
- As you make your journey into the spiritual realm, I commit you into the hands of your maker. May He guide your every step and lead you safely to your destination of eternal happiness. Goodbye, my dear.

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