We help ourselves have restful sleep when we pray and meditate to end our day. This is important for individuals, children, and families to remember.
Evening prayers to help us have a good night can be ones of thanks, blessing and petition. Praying helps us calm our hearts and minds and have good rest. When we turn our hearts and minds to God we are able to relinquish worries and remember the blessings of the day.
A good night blessing will usher us into the next morning with a peaceful heart. Here are some sample prayers to help you express your thoughts to God.
Good Night Prayers to Express Gratitude
- Heavenly Father we thank you for the day that is ending. You have given us what we need for today. We ask your blessings on us as we sleep, send us peaceful dreams. We do not know what tomorrow will bring us, but you do. Thank you for holding us in your hands and keeping us from harm. We love you and trust in your power. Amen.
- Lord we are so blessed to be part of your world. Thank you for the beauty that surrounds us in art and nature. You have provided rain and flowers, birds and animals. Help us see those around us with your eyes. Thank you for teachers and doctors, firemen and police. Thank you for giving us hands to work, minds to think and hearts to love. We ask you to care for us through the night so that we may awake to a new day of serving you. Amen.
Good Night Prayers to Fight Anxiety
- Jesus, draw me close, I fear the future. Today there were things I could not handle. I have needs that may not be met. Sometimes others misunderstand me, and my intent. I release those anxious thoughts to your keeping. I will trust in you to keep me safe tonight. Help me make right choices tomorrow and I will give you the glory and praise, Amen.
- I will trust in you, Lord. When the storms threaten, I trust; when worries attack me, I trust; if others betray me, I will trust in you. You will watch over me as I sleep. You will refresh me when I wake. I know you protect me always and that you are here beside me as I end my day. You love me, and I will trust in you to turn my sorrows to joy, my fear to resolve and to calm my anxious mind. Amen.
Good Night Prayers for Him
- Dear Father in heaven, as the night draws down on us, please keep my baby and I safe under your wings. Give us peaceful sleep such as you give to those who obey and love you. Please bring us back to life the next day, so we can give thanks and praises to you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
- Dear Jesus, I thank you for all the blessings that my man/woman has received this day. I thank you for all the protection you have given her/him today. Tonight, I ask that you give him/her sweet dreams as you watch over his/her sleep. Amen.
- Dear Lord, I thank you for all the wonderful things you constantly bring to my dear wife. I trust that you will watch over her tonight as you have always done. As I retire for the night, I ask you to kindly send your holy angels to visit her and shield her with their protective wings.
- My dear Father in heaven, please send millions of stars to give light to my love. Millions of angels to guard her. And millions of sweet dreams to keep her so far away from the cares of this world. As she sleeps tonight, please renew her strength for the next day. Amen.
- God, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my dear husband the gift of life today. As he closes his eyes to sleep, please watch over him and keep him safe through the night. Amen.
- Dear God, as my babe and I close our eyes to sleep tonight, I place our lives under your protection because I believe that You’ll keep us safe through the night. Thank You for answering my prayers.
- Dear Jesus, please watch over girlfriend/boyfriend, who brings so much joy and happiness in my life. Grant him/her what he/she desires and protect him/her from all that is troubling. Give him/her the best of sleep tonight and bring him/her back in new strength the next morning. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Related: Blessings from the Heart | Happy Birthday Prayers

Family Good Night Prayers
- As we gather Lord together at the ending of the day we give thanks and ask for your loving care. Thank you for the smiles we shared, and for the things we got to do. We are blessed by you providing food and loving hands to provide for us. Thank you for all the people in our home who work to make sure we have our needs met. Thank you for all the children in our home who bring us joy. Help us to be like you. Tonight we ask you to help us rest, send us peaceful dreams. Make our hearts happy and calm. Give us listening ears to hear your will and to honor our family around us. Amen.
- Dear Jesus, thank you for today. We can see around us that you care for us. We praise you for your work in our family. Thank you for the helpers we see each day. We ask you to bless our leaders that guide us, and our people who protect us and our teachers who help us learn. Help us to obey and honor you. Please take care of those who are sick, lonely, or who are in pain. Use us to help end suffering around our world. Thank you for blessing us with family, and pets and a beautiful world you have created. Amen
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Good Night Prayers for Kids
- Keep me safe all through the night; wake me with your morning light. Teach me how to do your will. Speak to me when all is still. Bless my family and my home; be with those who are all alone. Teach me from your written word, and help me share what I have heard. As I lay down to go to sleep, Good Shepherd I am your little sheep. You lead me by the pastures green, fears and troubles no more seen. Thank you for the blessed night, thank you for the waking light. Amen.
- God you give us lots of good things. Thank you for caring for us. Today has been a wonderful day. Thank you for my family and my friends. Thank you I could go outside to play. Please help me to do what is right, to listen and to obey. Let me dream of your wonderful world and all that tomorrow has in store for me. I love you Jesus, Amen.
An Evening Prayer
- Dear Jesus, I give thanks for all you have given me. I am grateful for how you have cared for me today. I have food, a shelter, clothing, and friends. I know you have a purpose for my life. Please be with me as I sleep, so that my night time hours will be refreshing and calm. I give you my fatigue, knowing you can restore me. I give you my fears, knowing that your love preserves me in every situation. I give you my dreams, knowing that you will fulfill me. Any pain I may have, in my body or my mind I know that you can heal. Take my desires and make me more like you. I ask that you use me to bless my community and even the strangers that I see. Today has been a beautiful day, because you were in it. I trust you for tomorrow too and all of my future. Keep my heart true to your faith and hold my mind on you and your will for me. I know you can see my future and I will trust you to guide the way. Amen.

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