It’s that time of the year! December is the official inauguration of wintertime and, for the Christian world, it’s a month of joy and celebration. Undoubtedly, it’s also the last month of the year, which often brings us to the moment when we make a flashback to our recent past, try to see what went right or wrong, and decide what we’d like to keep and what we’d like to change.
Being the 12th month of the year, December (ironically stemming from the Latin number for ten [decem], as it was then the 10th month of the year starting in March) is a great moment for both introspection and socialization. Snow often makes its appearance, painting entire cities white, thus changing the urban landscape into something more dreamlike, a set of scenes that’s closer to childhood fairy tales. This is a time for meditation, cocooning, reminiscence and forgiveness, as well as a time for family dinners, winter trips or even shopping sprees. No wonder so many people look forward to December: it’s is mankind’s reset button; a chance to re-evaluate, celebrate life, and start anew.

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