Have you been looking for the best birthday wishes for those people in your life who like the jokes and extra playful pokes? Well then, giving your loved ones a teasing birthday wish is definitely the way to go. From naughty wishes to playful, laughter-inducing quotes, naughty wishes will make your friends and family feel like you know them well enough to crack up with them – even on their birthdays.
While sarcasm has its limits, and can sometimes go over the line, it is a fun thing to share with those closest to you. With these birthday wishes you can share the gift of laughter, story-telling, and memory-making, all through a few words carefully thought out (or go the option of birthday memes if you want something really simpler). The following is a compilation of the best sarcastic birthday wishes that will no doubt add something extra special to anyone’s birthday.
Sarcastic Birthday Messages
- For your birthday today I’m giving you what you give me every day- sarcasm, a bucket load of trouble, and a handful of naughtiness. Happy birthday.
- Cheers to you on this very special day. What day is it? It’s the day you shot through your mother’s uterus! Happy birthday.

- Wishing a big happy birthday to the guy who makes me feel like I finally have a little sister! Happy B-Day, bro.
- What?! You’re how old? That’s like almost dead in doggy years…. Here’s hoping you make the most of the few years you have left. Happy birthday.
- Make her Smile on Her Special Day : Funny Birthday Wishes for your Wife
- Oh great, I hear it’s your birthday. Does that mean today you get to use that as your excuse to get wasted? Ok, ok… I’m in… but only because it’s your birthday. #favors
- Hey! It’s your birthday! I love this day because we both get to party hard and live large this one day of the year. Thanks a million for making your big day mine too!
- May you live long enough after today to eat lots of cake, kiss someone’s ass, and rob a bank so you can go out in style. Happy birthday, you big trouble maker!
- Wishing you all the Facebook messages from your crushes that your heart can handle. Happy birthday to the stalker of the century!
- Young and immature. Those are two words that usually go together- but with you young is gone and immature somehow stayed for a while. Oh well, I guess old and immature works for today. Happy birthday to you, you expired and irresponsible human.
- If there was a list of words to describe you on your birthday this would be it: bad, naughty, less than perfect, helpless, wasted, immature, bad ass, embarrassingly hilarious… well, you get the point, right? Anyway, happy birthday. I hope that after today I can still put up with you for another year.

- I really try my best to like people. But most of them are so stupid I just can’t. Thank God you’re not one of them- happy birthday.
- Let’s turn this birthday of yours into the official annual Let’s Get Drunk Day. What do you think? Sounds good right? Happy birthday to my new drinking partner.
- If today was my birthday I would tell you what I really think of you. But since it’s your birthday I just got you some duck tape so you can shut me up for the next 24 hours. Enjoy it while it lasts.
- Hey! I hear today is the day you were born into this world… great job for staying with us this far. Happy birthday to the only real psychopath I know.
- Before I found Pinterest, you were the most creative, interesting, and coolest person I knew. Well, nice job for trying and happy birthday.
- Some say that age is just a number. I say that’s bullshit. I mean, you’re getting really old. Happy birthday anyway.
- Your LOL Message! | Funny Birthday Wishes for a Friend
- Tell me again how old you are? Wasn’t your childhood pet like… a dinosaur? Ha ha… happy birthday you ancient old, awesome human.

- On your birthday this year I thought I would do something extra nice. I posted a ton of birthday wishes on your Facebook timeline so you would look way more popular than you are- you’re welcome. Happy birthday!
- I would call you an angel but we both know you’re not. I would call you amazing but that’s pushing it. I would call you something special but I mean, I have to be honest- after all it’s your birthday. Happy birthday to someone… different. In a good way, of course.
- It’s like time has stood still- you haven’t changed a bit all these years. Is that a good or bad thing? Either way, have a great birthday.
- They say that age is just something we experience in our minds- well if that’s true then I guess our bodies didn’t get the memo. Have a great birthday old person.
- Here’s to wishing you a birthday that doesn’t totally suck! You deserve it. Cheers.

- You know that we are good friends when I remember your birthday without a Facebook reminder- happy birthday to my best friend ever!
- Hey birthday girl, I hear you were born today. Congrats on the achievement.
- Hey birthday boy, I hear you were born today. Congrats on that.
- If we could reverse time I would want to go back to this very day: the day you were born. Then I could laugh at all your imperfections just like I do now- you must have been one little hot mess. Now you’re just a bigger hot mess. Happy birthday.
- Top 100 Original and Funny Happy Birthday Memes
- After all these years I can’t believe you still put up with me. Well, I guess it’s only fair, since I still put up with you. Happy birthday.
- Here’s me wishing you all your heart desires on this day. Things like ice cream, sexy men, donuts, fast cars, and more. Happy birthday, you big trouble maker.
- If life was only about living with love and finding happiness, God wouldn’t have made other stuff: like money, cake and sex. Here’s hoping you get all these things on your birthday. Happy birthday to someone who deserves it all.

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