Are you looking for unique and original birthday messages for twins? If you answered yes, then you have come to the right place.
Here, we have a huge collection of unique and original messages you can send to those special twins in your life on their birthday to make that special day unforgettable to them. Also, if you are yourself a twin looking for an original, heartfelt birthday wish for your twin, we have not left you out. You can also browse through our collection of happy birthday wishes for twin brothers and twin sisters, and find that perfect birthday wish or message that you can send to that special twin in your life to put a smile on his or her face, on that special day which you both share together.
Happy Birthday to Twin Sisters – Friends of Yours
- You are my favorite pair of twin sisters, and today being your birthday, I want to wish you an awesome birthday full of joy and laughter.
- Happy birthday to two of my favorite twin sisters in the world. I am always proud to call you beautiful souls my friends.
- On your birthday, my one wish is that you sisters never ever be separated from each other. Happy birthday twins, and stay blessed.
- I am proud to be the friend of the most wonderful twin sisters in the world. Enjoy your special day, my beautiful friends.
- Happy birthday! May this special day of yours overflow with everything that makes you two happy.
- I am yet to meet twin sisters that are as adorable as you. May all your dreams come true this year and the years after. Happy birthday, my dearest friends.
- Here’s to the most beautiful and awesome twin sisters in the world. Thanks for brightening my life with your friendship. Happy birthday, twins.
- Wishing a deliriously happy birthday to my favorite double girls. You two are a very special pair and I am grateful you let me into your lives.

Happy Birthday to Twin Brothers – Friends of Yours
- Happy birthday, twins. I am grateful to have you guys in my life. May this birthday be the beginning of several wonderful birthdays to come in your lives. May God fill your lives with joy and happiness.
- Twins, here’s to a fabulous birthday. May all the good things in life always come knocking on your doors.
- Today is your birthday, twins! I hope you enjoy it to the max. May the years ahead of you be filled with love, peace and happiness.
- 200 Free Birthday eCards for Friends and Family
- You two, are the coolest set of twins I have ever known. I really hope that this special day of yours will bring you good luck that will follow you for the rest of your lives. Have a good one, guys!
- Ever since I have known you two, you have been inseparable and sweet. I pray you remain like that forever. Have a very happy birthday, twins.
- You two complement each other perfectly. May you always know true happiness. Have a beautiful birthday.
- I woke up today wondering why the day was so beautiful and then I suddenly remembered it’s your birthday and I understood why. Wishing my favorite twins a very happy birthday.

Happy Birthday to Twin Sister and Brother – Friends of Yours
- Wishing the world’s coolest twin sister and brother a wonderful birthday. May all your dreams and desires never elude you. Now let’s celebrate and make this day even more beautiful and colorful.
- God did me a great favor when he brought you two into my life. Happy birthday to my favorite twin brother and sister. You spice my life with so much color.
- You are the sweetest twin brother and sister that I have ever known. As you celebrate this special day of yours, I want you to know of how much your friendship means to me. Happy birthday, my sweet friends.
- Today is a special day for the most adorable twin sister and brother in the entire world. I consider myself blessed because I have you guys in my life. And on this special day, I want to wish you an extraordinarily happy birthday. May all your dreams come true!

Birthday Wishes for Your Own Twin Brother
- You are not only my twin brother, but you are also my best friend. Happy birthday to the world’s sweetest brother.
- My every day is beautiful thanks to a nice and caring twin brother like you who is always by my side to bring me up and light my face with a smile no matter how down I get. Have a wonderful birthday, brother.
- Life is not a smooth journey. You’ll definitely face certain challenges as you journey on. But know that I will always be by your side and together we shall face and surmount those challenges with courage and faith. Happy birthday to my special twin.
- Sometimes I can’t help but wonder how people get through life without a twin brother. Thank you for being my twin brother and do have a happy birthday!
- You always turn my tears into happy smiles and take away all my fears. That’s how precious you are to me. I am forever grateful for having a twin brother like you. Have a wonderful birthday.

Birthday Wishes for Your Own Twin Sister
- Happy birthday to the most beautiful and caring twin sister on Earth. May you always wake up with a bright smile on your face. Happy birthday once again and stay blessed!
- Nothing lasts forever with the exception of the love I have for you, which shall last until the end of time. Happy birthday to you my beautiful twin sister.
- We’re one and will always be. Happy birthday to you my precious other half. May your life be full of happiness. And know that I love you so much!
- A Great and Hilarious Tribute to your Sis! | Funny Birthday Wishes for your Sister
- It is that special day of the year again and I want to let you know that I love and cherish you more than all the wealth in this world. Thank you for being my twin sister. Happy birthday.

- May you find success in everything that you do. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Have an amazing birthday, my sweet twin sister.
- We came into this world together. May we never be separated by anyone or anything. Happy birthday, my beautiful twin.
- Sister, no one in this entire world knows and understands us like we do each other. I know all of you and you also know all of me. And that is what makes us an extraordinarily perfect pair. I will always be grateful to God for giving me a twin sister like you. Have a wonderful birthday.
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