People celebrate their birthdays every day and we send them wishes to show them how much we care. Loving and caring for our loved ones are two things we probably do better than another, equally important task: loving ourselves. On our special day, our friends, family, partners in life and lovers aren’t the only ones to wish us Happy Birthday: now, by updating our Facebook or Whatsapp status, we can do it ourselves, too! In a social-media-conquered world, updating our online status with a birthday announcement like Happy Birthday to Me is no surprise.
Our collection of birthday statements for oneself will save the day when we want to indulge in self-sarcasm about our age, simply joke about celebrating our birthday or thank our party guests after the birthday event has ended.
Happy Birthday To Me Quotes
What’s in a number, really?
- I’m another year older and another year more gorgeous, intelligent, and talented as ever! Happy Birthday to me!
- So, we meet again, candles. It’s you, me, and a cake that’s about to meet its delicious demise.
- After living another year, I’m thankful to God that he has blessed me so much- and that I’m a real blessing to others. Happy birthday to me.
- You are one-in-a-million! You are intelligent! You are beautiful! You are another year older and another year wiser! Woo hoo!
- I believe that I am the equivalent to a fine wine or a delicious old cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older today! Happy Birthday to me!
- I plan on having an amazing, awesome, super, fantastic year full of many new adventures and crazy travels! My birthday means I’m another year older and another year wiser! You better watch out!
- Another year has come and gone, faster than the last. Here I am another year older and another year wiser. A few more gray strands and perhaps a crease or two. I am proud to be blessed with laugh lines from laughing. I enjoy my shimmering silver strands of hair. I love being wiser than I was last year. Oh birthday, I love thee!
- I had a fabulous birthday! I love getting older. I just hope when I get to be Betty White’s age I can look half as good as she does!
- In honor of my birthday I am refraining from making any sarcastic comments and overindulging in cake and ice cream…Oh who am I kidding?? I’m going to be stuffing my face and looking for any new wrinkles or grey hairs!
- It’s my party! I can cry if I want to! Cry if I want to! You would cry too if you… were this old, too!
- It’s pretty bad when the fire department has to be called before you blow out the candles on you cake. Now I really know I’m old!

- Thank God another has passed with me in this world- I’m so awesome it’s a real blessing to everyone in my life to have me here. Happy birthday to me.
- They say that having birthdays are just like going over speed bumps through life before you get old. Well, today’s my birthday and I’m flying over this one right to the cocktail party. Happy birthday to me!
- Every year I swear I’m getting more beautiful, awesome, adorable, and lovely to be around- congrats on another year and happy birthday to you. Love, me.
- I’ve always wanted an excuse to eat tons of food, dress up, play around the house all day, do whatever I wanted for just one day. Now I can because today is my birthday! Yeah me.
- Dear self, stay calm and know that fun is on the way… um, actually, you forgot to order the cake and invite all the people, so it may be a while. Anyway, happy birthday.

- If it were up to me I’d spend today binge watching Netflix and eating crappy cake. Since today is my birthday I guess that’s exactly what I’m going to do! Happy birthday to me on the best day ever!
- I swear you guys, 30 has never looked so good! Of course, now that I’m in it. Happy birthday to me and you are welcome to all you fellow 30-year-olds. This year is going to rock.
- Happy Birthday to me! Here is to another year of terrible decisions and reckless abandon!
- On my birthday, I am going to be my own best friend: eat too much cake, give bad advice, and party until dawn!
- On my birthday, one is the loneliest number! That is why there is cake and ice cream and alcohol…
- Today is my birthday! My fifth 30th birthday, to be exact! Happy Birthday to me!
- Happy Birthday to me! Turning a year older has made me wonder about certain things, like how much longer can I get away with telling people that I am twenty-five?

- As I wish myself a Happy Birthday, I can not help but think of all of the things that getting older brings with it….wait, what was I saying, again? Oh, well! Happy Birthday to me!
- Wishing myself a very Happy Birthday! Cheers to another year of mishaps, shenanigans, and other somewhat adult behavior!
- To be another year wiser, braver, and better must really be something. Maybe next year!
- Best wishes to me, on my birthday! Every time my birthday occurs, I do not count the number of years that have passed! I count the number of procedures I have had! I am only up to three, so I am good!
- When most people’s birthdays come around, a lot of them worry about looking much older than they are, not being listened to by others, and not being taken seriously…that ended a long, long time ago for me! Best Wishes, on my birthday!
- Usually as a person ages, they grow more into adulthood! That is funny, because I am still building forts, in my backyard! Cheers to my birthday, and to never, really, growing up!
- Sending myself a Happy Birthday message and a reminder: younger people often expect those who are older than them to have a lot of knowledge and to give really good advice. It is time to start spending the remainder of my days in hiding!
- Today, I celebrate my 30th birthday, more determined, than ever…to keep pretending that I am twenty-one!
- On my birthday, I might celebrate with the youth and vigor of someone who can dance and party, all night or in the manner of someone who can eat too much cake and pass out on the sofa watching a bad movie…I am pretty sure I am going to pass out on the sofa!
- Most people change when they age; I always manage to stay thirty-five! Wishing myself a Happy Birthday!
- On my birthday, I realize that some people may say that I am over the hill. They may call me old… they may be right!
- Most birthdays involve remembering old times. Fortunately for me, I can not even remember what I did, even five minutes ago! Happy Birthday to me!
- Today, I celebrate my birthday! I have a feeling that I will look back on it, for years to come, full of regret…so, today is no different than any other day!
- Some days are more glorious than others! This day is not one of them! Happy Birthday to me!
- On my birthday, I wish for many great things! Oh, who am I kidding? I just wish for a spot on the couch and a piece of birthday cake!
- As I commemorate my birthday, I do not just see someone who is a year older, and has wrinkles. I also see someone with gray hair! Happy Birthday to me!
- I celebrate my special day, still full of wonder! I wonder where my car keys are, I wonder where I parked, I wonder why my hip does that thing, when I walk…
- Today, I have decided that getting older is great! Well, not for me! For someone else! Best Wishes, on my birthday!
- Cheers to me, on my birthday! Now that it is here, I am grateful to be a year older! More things ache, but I am too old to think about all of them, and to really care!
- Since it is my birthday, I have looked in the mirror, and found that it is not so bad! I can still pretend to be ten years younger, than I actually am! Happy Birthday to me!
- The arrival of my special day has reminded me that there are so many things that a person my age should know! I do not know any of them, but I am sure there are many! Happy Birthday to me!
- As the years have gone by, I have seen a multitude of things! Thankfully, this year marks my getting closer to be too old to remember any of them! Happy Birthday to me!
- Wishing myself a Happy Birthday! My birthday has shown me that age is only a number! One of which I plan to keep a secret, for as long as I can!
- Here is to me, on my birthday! Being the oldest person in the room really says something about me! I am not sure if it is good or bad, but it really says something about me!
- On my birthday, I honor the fact that no one will ever know my real age! Cheers, to me!
- It is my birthday! At my party tonight, I will dance and drink like a twenty-one year old, wake up tomorrow with aches, like a sixty year old, then remember that I am only fifty years old!
- The date of my birth has made me realize that a person does not get to my age, without making smart decisions, and always thinking things through! It is truly, a wonder that I even made it this far! Happy Birthday to me!
- Wishing myself a Happy Birthday! On this day, I am aware of the fact that most of the people in my life, now see me as being old! It is now time to get some new friends!
- Here is to me, on my very, special day! I now see that the age that I am should not matter to anyone else, mainly because it does not matter to me! I can barely remember it!
- Even though a lot of things have changed about me, through the years, some things have stayed the same: I am no wiser than yesterday! Cheers, to me!
- On my birthday, I took a nice, long look at the friends I have who are about me age. Then I left the room, to get away from all of those old people! Happy Birthday to me!
- My birthday makes me think of something that a person can be reminded of, when marking his or her special day: the person celebrating it is still young and has much to do! This is not one of those birthdays! Happy Birthday to me!
- When I woke up today, I remembered that it was my birthday…then I forgot about all of the things that I planned to do and fell asleep! Happy Birthday to me!

Status Updates Joking About my Age
- Dear self, have a wonderful day and don’t forget you can now park in the handicap spaces everywhere. Happy birthday, you oldie.
- Even though I’m super old now, I’m glad my taste buds are still working- so I can still enjoy my cake and eat it too!
- Even though I have come to an age when my train-of-thought sometimes leaves without me, I’m ok with it. I mean, I have enough money now to afford riding in a Cadillac instead, so I guess some things do work out in the end.
- When did I get so stinkin’ old?! I can only meet up with friends these days by visiting the cemetery- that’s when you know you’re old. Oh well, happy birthday to me.
- Now that I’m officially middle-aged and my brain has caught up with me, why does my body have to start running away?! It’s just not fair. I guess I know what I’m buying myself on my birthday: Botox and a gym membership.
- Hey guys, I finally figured out what the wonder years are all about- these days all I do is wonder where things are, like my phone, my wallet, my car. Yeah, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
- Dear people I know, it’s my birthday today. What I miss the most is being at the age when I thought all the shit I had planned would work out. Now I’m old enough to realize it won’t and it officially sucks. Happy birthday to me. P.S. Please send all sympathy cards to my Facebook timeline so I can feel better about myself.
- Well guys, it’s official. I’m old. I was online today and had to actually scroll down to find my birth year in the scroll bar.
Happy Birthday to Me Memes

I might bring my mini-me over.

The godly Morgan Freeman wish.

Show some manners (some day).

I have the right to Birthday Blues

Enjoy your birthday, don’t drink and drive…

When you’re older, play it cool.

What is the Best Happy Birthday to me Wish?
If you prefer the smart ones:
- I’m another year older and another year more gorgeous, intelligent, and talented as ever! Happy Birthday to me!
If you’d go with a funny wish:
- Dear friends and family, it’s my birthday! You can drop off all presents at my doorstep or just take me out to lunch. Thanks in advance for all the gifts! Happy birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to Me Video
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14 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me! 102 Birthday Wishes for Myself”
Nice write ups
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much
Waoo I Really Them All
Wonderful I Love Them All
Wow!..nice..wish I can have time to write all of your wishes..thanks
Thanks so much, Becca!
We are thrilled you loved our wishes :). Happy Birthday!
i love them as they inspire thank you so much all writers and viewers
It’s my birthday today!!! Another year of bad decisions and reckless abandon! wohooo!!!!!!
so nice
Thank you for being so thoughtful to create this page.
So happy you like it Anne!
really nice ….love them all
Happy Birthday