Now that children are so accustomed to using technology from such an early stage in their life, showing, posting or sending them a video full of birthday wishes for their birthday is not only acceptable, but almost necessary. Then again, there are so many kids’ birthday parties that are in fact held for the parents (let’s admit it!).
In this case, you can use any of the following videos as a perfect way to make an invitation to a child’s birthday party. Every great fiesta starts with an attractive invitation! Today, we send party invitations on Twitter, that’s why these wishes are presented in order according to character count, starting from Twittable kid’s birthday party invitations, and then moving on to invitations you can copy and paste in an SMS or invitations you can send by e-mail.
Send or post a combination of an invitation and one of the videos and you have got an amazing invitation to a children birthday party! This is certain to delight the parents and excite the kids!

Invitations for Twitter and SMS
- It’s our son’s birthday and the party won’t be the same without you!
- Our little princess is a year older! How about a girlie bday cake?
- Let’s be original: let’s celebrate the world that’s turning for once!
- We’ll be so glad to see you and your children at our party this year!
- For the 110% of the fun, our birthday party needs you. Yes, YOU!
- If you think our birthday party will work fine without you, think twice!
- Please come to our party! We’re having a so much better time with you around!
- Birthday cakes, balloons and dance music! And you can bring your children, too! 🙂
- There will be some VIP guest coming to our party next week. We would be delighted if you completed the list! 😉
Invitations for SMS
- Fun, fun, cakes, fun, balloons, music, fun, gifts, fun! Nothing will be missing from this year’s birthday party of our child. Then why should you?!
- Would be so kind as to take a photo of our daughter blowing the candles of her birthday cake next week? Sure, we’ve got a piece for you, you bet!
Invitations for e-mail
- We are holding an amazing kids’ birthday next week and everything is already in place. The only thing left is you saying a big YES to the fun we are going to have! We will be really glad to see you!
- Our son’s birthday party has been organized with all the parents in mind. And, guess what, we have even thought of inviting your KIDS, too! Isn’t it thoughtful of us? Yes, we thought so. We’ll be so happy to have you all here next week.
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