Elias Malassidis
Few things feel so good as a target accomplished. That’s when times call for a true celebration, that […]
Ever wondered what makes a friendship truly special? Is it shared laughter over inside jokes, the comforting silence […]
Marriage anniversaries are always cause to share and create celebratory messages, but that 50-year mile marker in marriage […]
Unlike Dr. Evil’s bullying towards his son, don’t let anyone tell you you ‘re “quasi” anything. When your […]
Our need to show our gratitude when everything is running fast asks for something truly effective. Memes have […]
The American Independence Day is more than picnics and fireworks. For sure, the Fourth of July was intended […]
Parents are valuable for kids, quite literally the reason they exist. However, sometimes it can be a struggle […]
Starting a conversation isn’t always easy. Socializing with someone you just met can be especially challenging. Some people […]
Nuestros padres son importantísimos e influyen de una manera especial en nuestras vidas. Si echamos la vista atrás […]
First impressions are really important. If you want to make a good impression on your crush you might […]
Easter is so much more than bunnies and bonnets and baskets. It’s about celebrating the resurrection of Jesus […]
As the 40th birthday of your loved one approaches, it’s time to start thinking about that perfect wish! […]
Every birthday is important, but reaching that 50th birthday milestone is special. We want friends and families know […]
El amor es lo más fascinante que puede pasar en la vida de las personas. Cuando estás enamorado, […]
Best wishes and congratulations! May your engagement be filled with all of the excitement and wonderful memories that […]
Empezar el día con una sonrisa y buena energía es tan importante como un buen desayuno para comenzar […]
It’s time to celebrate! Birthdays are an exciting occasion and a great way to show your friends and […]